How To Throw A Cast Net Step by Step

How To Throw A Cast Net
4 Min Read
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You may have seen fishermen do it many times. Throwing a cast net with leaded weights to catch smaller or larger fish is a popular angling method these days.

But is there a right or wrong way to throw a cast net? And how do you do it? It can be tricky to figure out how to throw a cast net, especially if you are new to the fishing world.

It leaves many of us anxious to throw a cast net, leaving it to others time and time again.

But a time will come where you need to do it yourself, and the mere thought fills you with dread.

Well, no more! In this article, we explain how to throw a cast net for different fish species in the right way.

What Is A Cast Net?

A cast net is a lightweight fishing net in which the line is attached at both ends by casting poles.

The weight of the frame helps hold the net open providing an area where fish or other marine life get trapped.

Cast nets are made from a frame that holds the net together. It should be strong enough to support the lines from being pulled taut.

A cast net also has weights that keep the frame balanced when it is not in use. The lines connect the two ends of the frame so that the net can close on its own.

You can also find cast nets that have handles that allow you to pull the net up after catching something.

Cast nets have been around since ancient times. They were originally used for commercial purposes but now they are very common in recreational angling.

Types Of Cast Nets

There are many types of cast nets. Some are made out of heavy-duty materials like metal alloys while others are made out of bamboo.

How To Throw A Cast Net The Right Way

You will find a lot of tutorials out there with countless methods on how to throw a cast net but if you do it the right way, throwing a cast net can be quick and easy.

Let’s remind ourselves of what we want to achieve when throwing a cast net. Ideally, you want the net to open fully and get the shad inside.

Time to take a look at the basic steps on how to throw your net to catch shad. The below instructions are for throwing with your right hand.

If you are left-handed, you just need to reverse the hands you use.

First, holding the net’s yoke in your left hand, lift the net up into the air for a few seconds so it can fully extend.
Then shake the cast net out making sure that the net’s lead line at the bottom is straight and not twisted.

This ensures that the net opens up fully when you throw it.

How To Throw A Cast Net The Right Way

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Then, use your right hand and grab the cast net at its center. This is the middle between the lead line and the yoke.

You must hold the net halfway here because if you hold it at a point too low the net will not open.

It’s worthwhile experimenting where exactly you need to grab it. Try a few times lower and higher so you get a sense of what is right for you.

Now you need to roll the cast net underneath your left hand and then back over again in your direction. You’ll notice, if you do this the wrong way, the net won’t open.

Then you need to halve the lead line. You need roughly half of the line in your left hand. The other half can hang down.

This is a good time again to check that the line is not twisted in any way. If it is, just untangle it and then move this part of the net over your left hand leading away from you.

If you did the above steps all correctly, you should now see the lead line going in the direction away from you. The lead line and the leaded weights should be on your left, and they should be level.

You’ll also notice a significant dip in the lead line. This is going to be the center of your cast net.

Now take the lead line at the point where it dips. Then, you can take the rope of the line either in your teeth or you can place it over the top of your left hand.

Then, reach down, taking the lead line which leads away from you. Try to get as low down as possible.
Move the part of the cast net in your left hand. Hold both firmly.

You are ready to throw now. It’s good to remember that you use only the movement of your upper body to throw.
It’s not about throwing the net hard or far but the technique is important.

If you like, you can try rotating your upper body while holding the net.

When you are all set to go, simply twist your upper body and throw the net. As the cast net gradually opens while it flies, you need to let go with your left hand first.

You still hold on to it loosely with your right hand, allowing it to flow out of your hand over your arm. If you decided to use your teeth, you can now also open your teeth to release the lead line.

These steps will take some practice but we promise, it does get easier over time and you’ll be able to throw a cast net like a pro.

Tips On Throwing A Cast Net

Throwing a cast net takes plenty of practice. It’s all about finding the proper technique for yourself, and over time you’ll get a feel for how the net behaves.

Here are a few cast netting tips on how to throw a cast net the easy way in any body of water.

Fluid Motion

When you throw your cast net, your lower body should be still, and only your upper body should move in a twisting motion to throw the net.

Prepare Your Cast Net

We looked at some of the basic steps on how to prepare your cast net so it opens up completely. This setup is what decides the success or failure of your cast net throw.


We understand that it can take a while and many hours of practice to throw your cast net without getting it tangled but it’s possible.


There you have it, our guide to throwing a cast net. We hope these steps help you learn how to throw a cast net so you can get your favorite catch in.

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